ChatGPT as your business's data scientist (Free)
Learn how to code a forecast of your business data - with no actual coding
Project Summary
If you have an E-commerce business or any business with a new POS system, chances are you have boatloads of data, but you’re not sure what to do with it. After all, it’s one of the system's selling points anyway! Today, we will show how to create a quick and simple linear regression to forecast with your data. No technical knowledge is needed - we’re going to have ChatGPT code for us.
This is meant to be a short introduction on how to have ChatGPT code for us and how to set up an environment where we can make edits.
Expected Project Time:
Depending on what you want from your data, anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.
Project Steps
We are going to use Google Colab and ChatGPT for this. To start, head to Google Colab and create a new notebook. Google Colab is a hosted Jupyter Notebook service. Your notebook should be empty and look like this.
I’m going to use a dataset from Kaggle as an example. Feel free to use it to follow along or use your own set, exported from your point of sale system as a CSV file. Make sure to inspect your file in Google Sheets to understand the data.
First we want to start a dialogue with ChatGPT. Start by using this formula:
You are a data scientist. I have a dataset for my business. *Describe business and dataset* The columns I want to focus on is: Independent Variable 1 (description), Independent Variable 2 (description), and Dependent Variable (description). I want to create a linear regression to compare (Independent Variable) to (Dependent Variable). Code this in Python.
From there, ChatGPT should spit out some Python code.
Copy and paste it into the first box on your Google Colab script.
Drag your dataset (make sure it’s a CSV file) to the folder bar on the left side.
IMPORTANT: Take a look at the Orange text in your code. The “data = pd.read_csv” should exactly match your filename. The X and Y variables in orange should match your dataset’s columns. Make sure to change these or clarify them in your ChatGPT message.
From there, either click the small white play button next to your code or select “Runtime” in the menu bar and select “Run All”
Reveal the results! If you’re getting errors, copy and paste the error into ChatGPT and it will attempt to fix them. Keep going back and forth on this loop until you’ve received your results. If you want a different output, just tell it to ChatGPT!
Tool Summary
LogoMaster - Create a Logo for you business in just 5 minutes
ResumAI - Write and edit lightning-fast resume bullet points with cutting-edge ChatGPT - Summarize Slack!
Thank you for reading, and if you liked this project, leave some feedback and send it to a friend!