Hello Prompter Community!
Seeing this community grow has been thrilling, and feedback from each project week after week has been extremely valuable and welcomed! I’m excited to bring you the final installment on how to automate your accounting operations.
As a look-back, the last two accounting series sends were focused on leveraging OpenAI’s new affordable model, GPT-4o mini, and testing its ability to parse through unstructured data like invoices and credit card statements. We’re going to continue that, but focus on how to integrate this workflow into your day-to-day operations.
But first, let’s take a look back on what we covered in the previous installments:
Part 1 - Bulk invoice processing
First, we examined automating the extraction of text from a bulk group of invoices and slotting them into a Google Sheet.
Part 2 - Reciept Reconciliation and Expense Verification
Then, we built a workflow to ensure that there were matching receipts for recorded expenses in our budget tracker.
Now, let’s take this one step further to wrap up our accounting deep dive:
Part 3 - The Virtual Accountant
Today, we are going to build a workflow that lets users email a receipt or invoice to a predetermined email address, then the program will parse and slot the data right into your expense sheet. Never type an expense line by line ever again!
Let’s see it step by step.
Email - send an email with an attached invoice to a predetermined email address.
Parse - At the end of the day (or whatever time you set), the application will comb through your inbox and look for unread emails with the subject “EXPENSE”. Then it will extract and parse the text using GPT4o-mini.
Record - Finally, it will slot the expense into your budget sheet (feel free to adapt to your configuration!) and mark the email as read.
Let’s take a look at what tech stack we are using and the technical flow:
Tech Stack
Google Cloud (Specifically, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Scheduler)
Google Sheets
OpenAI GPT-4o mini
Technical Workflow:
Here’s how the technical workflow pans out:
Sounds good? Let’s get to work. Click the button below to start building. PrompterGPT will walk you through the project (number 7) and help you troubleshoot, customize, or edit its scope. Just ask away!
Happy building, and see you next time.
— Nishad from Prompter
P.S. for more daily thoughts on AI, and sneak peak of projects before they’re sent, make sure to follow us on X!